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Technology in Training

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By utilizing technology in our team training we are able to create technology-enriched learning environments that assist in creating varied learning strategies to meet the varied needs of our student-athletes.  The gallery below highlights artifacts from implementing technology into the training process.  Artifacts include, player review, video assessment, interactive quizzes, digital practice planning, and collaboration scouting assignments. 
Technology in Training

Technology in Training

We have implemented technology into our training methods in numerous ways. The objectives with this initiative are to increase the effectiveness of our training methods, improve engagement during teaching periods, and provide better means of tracking progress.

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tech 6

Multi-Media Presentations

Multi-Media Presentations

Digital Tools for Analysis

Digital Tools for Analysis

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Digital Review with coaches

Digital Review with coaches

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Digital Practice Planning

Digital Practice Planning

Using the smart board and smart notebook software we can archive past practice plans, create a drill archive and collaborate between multiple coaches.

Collaboration via Digital Tools

Collaboration via Digital Tools

Tribe Scout

Digital Scouting Content

Digital Scouting Content

Personalized Training Video

Personalized Training Video

Positive Reinforcement Videos

Positive Reinforcement Videos

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